Today reminds me that tomorrow i have to go home...the reality. So i have to make the most of it. I have to be bold and brave. What is awaiting for me today? Still unsure though itinerary has been prepared for we planned but The Creator is the Best Planner. Thursday - Day 4 - 7.3.2019 I woke up to the sound of rooster at 3.30am. Why he wake us up so early? Fajr prayer is at 4.48am. So i had to force-close my eyes but failed. When you travel your body function abnormally. Waking up is a breeze. It feels light no matter how much you weigh. Why? Because your mind is the processor, as in the CPU for computer. You will always feel excited exhilarated, you feel younger almost like a kid. That is why i LOVE to travel A LOT. My bucket list is never ending. We already discussed about our next trip. Road to Morocco Spain and Portugal. When He will, we will be there. InsyaAllah... SUNRISE AT YUN LAI If you ask me would I want to watch sunrise at the hill nearby my house, the an...